When Morals Fail: It’s A Wishful Life

Welp, one week til my yet-to-be determined Christmas post, so I’d thought I’d end my first year into this business with something I believe most people will like.  Pure, Unadulterated, RAGE.

    On this week’s episode of “When Morals Fail” we will be taking a look at not only a poorly executed moral, but an episode that includes a hidden second moral that no parent wants their kid learning.  The episode is from the Fairly Odd Parent’s 5th season, and it’s called “A Wishful Life.”

    So, this episode opens with a face paced sequence where Timmy goes around helping people.  When he tries to paint the backdrop for the school play, the art teacher complains that his dreams are ruined because the clouds are too puffy and the water isn’t violet.  Wouldn’t puffy clouds fit in a ballet though?  And he kinda ignored the fact that it would be simple to just paint over it.  Also, I’m sure that the joke about the ballet version of waterworld would be funny if I knew anything other than the fact that the movie has a twist ending and it may or may not star the guy who was eaten by iwrestledabearonce.

Kevin Bacon

    AJ’s new computer is obsolete because… the newer version has better knobs, thus rendering the computer useless as all but a doorstop.  I’m sure AJ’s old computer was a lot nicer, and if you’re going to trash someone’s gift you could at least do it after they leave your vicinity.  When Timmy tidies up his parents lawn, they lose a worst lawn competition.  I’m sure they’ll really care about that award in two hours.

    After this minute and twenty seconds of ludicracy, you can probably guess why this is one of the two most hated episodes of the show, and the crap hasn’t even hit the fan yet.  After deducing that nobody appreciates him, he wishes himself out of existence.  Wanda never says anything in this exchange.  She probably could’ve stopped this right here, but nope.

    Instead we get a parody of It’s a Wonderful Life.  Well, originality points knocked off there for choosing the overdone parody, but at least it’s not A Christmas Carol.  Actually, those ones have a better track record against this and that iCarly episode.  Anyway, remember that in It’s a Wonderful Life, the protagonist was taken around to be shown how much worse everybody would be without him?  In this episode, Timmy is shown how much better everyone else’s life is without him.  This episode is saying, “So, average kid, remember.  If you’re ever feeling unappreciated, life would’ve been better if you weren’t born.  Since you can’t wish yourself out of life, committing suicide is the next best option.”




    Look, you might say that this is an overreaction because this only happened once and most people probably wouldn’t think about it that way.

1. Jorgan is going to take Timmy to a place for kids to unwish themselves from the universe, implying that this happens way too often.  Also, this place looks like Hell.  Way to go guys.

2. Sure, looking online most people don’t say that this episode supports suicide as their reason for hating it.  But, if someone is going to seriously consider suicide, they are likely not the most mentally stable person on the block.  Who knows what they’ll be thinking when they watch this episode.

3. The suicide mentality isn’t helped by the original story, where the angel was attempting to stop a suicide.  By reversing the actions of the angel(fairy), it reverses the intentions.

    Trudging into the last 2/3s of this crapfest, Jorgen takes Timmy around showing how people’s lives would be different without him.  Francis is no longer a bully, but the captain of the football team (the joke that they’re kinda the same thing made me crack a smile).  Crocker is a top professor at Harvard.  AJ is now a genius and has a full head of hair.  Cosmo and Wanda belong to Chester and go goo-goo-eyes over him for helping others, you know, something that they never did for Timmy despite all the good deeds he was doing at the beginning of the episode.  Oh, and he looks better than Timmy.  Look at that, more morals too rancid for a raccoon to even look at.


    Timmy even asks how AJ having a full head of hair is his fault.  Well, it isn’t.  Neither is Francis’ existence as a bully only because of Timmy.  He didn’t exist just to bully Timmy.  When Timmy is removed, Francis would still be a bully.  Vicky would still be a babysitter, not a dentist assistant.  Elmer would still have his boil.  The Chicago Cubs ability to win a world series match wouldn’t change.  Also, is this “not exactly” thing supposed to be a joke?

Not Exactly a joke

    So then Timmy gives up trying to find someone’s whose life is worse, but any fan of the show is wondering about Tooty, Timmy’s obsessive stalker?  Surely her life is worse.  Yeah, she never shows up.

    Timmy gets sentenced to Hell, but he flies back up on a tube of laughing gas.  Jorgen falls into Hell and Timmy steals his wand, and now he can become Die Über Fairy!  Only, Timmy becomes upset at the prospect of ruining everyone’s lives… except Elmer’s because he doesn’t know him that well.  Timmy returns Jorgen’s wand and the episode goes full moron.

    This was a test.

    This whole scenario to torture Timmy was a test.  Timmy earns a wish by not wishing himself back into existence, so he wishes himself back into existence.

    So this episode was a test to tell Timmy that you should do good deeds because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will get you noticed.  Looking back at the beginning of the episode, Timmy wasn’t even trying to get noticed.  He felt unappreciated because whenever he did something good he was verbally insulted and treated as if he had just done something bad.  Heck, Timmy does bad deeds and gets less punishment than when he does good.  The entire lesson, and thus the experience in torture porn, was useless because Timmy was learning something he didn’t need to learn.

    Timmy did overreact, even if his anger is completely justifiable, but this episode went way too far and offered trash heaps of broken morals that hijack the good moral while it’s on the interstate.  I highly doubt Jack Thomas is a bad person, but next time I hope that he will actually think about what he’s actually writing and is more careful next time.

    The end of the episode?  Timmy cleans out the fishbowl and Wanda is amazed that Timmy is doing a good deed.  Like, he’s never done those before…

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